Jordan Spieth at the 2014 Northern Trust Open

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Jordan Interviewed After Round Two of the 2014 Northern Trust Open


JORDAN SPIETH:  I putted great today, a lot of par saves on the front, I could have been 4‑ or 5‑over at the turn and instead I was at even, so very happy with the finish, back in contention. 

Q.  A little different than last week, you had to throw it behind the hole to get it close?
JORDAN SPIETH:  Yeah you've got to have a different golf swing.  You can't be stacking and punching.  You have to loft the ball up in the air and try to carry it five paces on the green, but they will firm up this afternoon even more.  They played about like they did yesterday coming into the greens.  Obviously less traffic on them, so ultimately it led to more pure greens.

Q.  Chillier this morning?
JORDAN SPIETH:  A little bit.  Really wasn't bad.  Wednesday morning was tough.  This was‑‑ I'm not going to complain here. 

Q.  So how is the course out there?
JORDAN SPIETH:  Good.  It played easier than yesterday just because of the way the greens were.  The course played very similar.  We have not had any wind, so it was easier to putt, putting your ball down and the ball keeps moving into the little spike marks, it's a little tougher to trust your stroke.  It shouldn't be but it is but we didn't have a problem today. 
I wanted to get back to 2‑ or 3‑under for the tournament and I got to four with a good bounce with a wedge on the last hole, so right back in contention. 
I drove the ball well on my back nine today, went on a streak of about 11 or 12 holes with a driver where I didn't hit the fairway and then I hit the last five of them, so that feels good.  I'll just go knuckle down and if I'm hitting fairways tomorrow, should be fine. 
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports